Foundation stone laying of CANOE new facilities ...

On Thursday, December 1st 2016 was held the Foundation stone laying ceremony of the extension of Chemstart’up building. This extension will be CANOE new facilities. This 1092 m² building, dedicated ...
5 décembre 2016

Effiwind: a new generation of wind blades ...

In issue 108 (October 2016) dedicated to wind energy, JEC COMPOSITES MAGAZINE wrote a focus article about EFFIWIND project. The goal of this project is to develop a new generation ...
3 novembre 2016

CANOE is attending MICM ...

CANOE is attending the 3rd edition of Chemistry and Materials workshop (MICM) on May 18th and 19th 2016 in Cité Mondiale in Bordeaux (France). The event consists in scheduled business ...
18 mai 2016

CANOE partner in REVERPLAST project ...

On April 27th 2016, the first French chemist Arkema signed with Ségolène ROYAL (French Secretary of State for environment, energy and sea), Emmanuel MACRON (French Secretary of State for economy, ...
17 mai 2016