3rd Dresden International Colloquium on Tailored Carbon Fibers

26 mars 2024

From March 20 to 22 in Dresden, international CF specialists gathered to share and discuss the latest advances in custom carbon fiber development. 


Among them, Xavier SOLIMANDO, from our CANOE team, brilliantly represented the work carried out as part of the EMPHASIS European research project, funded by Horizon Europe.

His presentation, entitled « Novel doped cellulose fibers as precursors for supercapacitor carbon electrode materials », highlighted our commitment to innovation in the creation of next-generation supercapacitors. These advances promise to transform electromobility and smart clothing, bringing us closer to a more sustainable and connected future.


We would like to express our gratitude to the ICTCF organizing committee, in particular to Thomas Behnisch of TU Dresden and the RCCF, for this invitation and for giving us the opportunity to share our work with the international scientific community. 


The symposium was a crossroads of innovative ideas, nascent collaborations and inspirations for future research. Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make this a memorable event. 


We look forward to continuing our quest for excellence and contributing to the development of groundbreaking technologies. Until next time, Dresden! 👋