CANOE hosted the Steering Committee of AUTONOTEX Project

17 novembre 2017

The AUTONOTEX project was launched two years ago and aims in particular at the development of three-component fibers combining electrical and piezoelectric conductive polymers. The piezoelectric polymer is a Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) from Arkema. CANOE is developing conductive polymer formulations compatible with the multi-filament and multi-component spinning application in collaboration with ENSAIT as well as fluorinated polymers with enhanced piezoelectric properties in collaboration with the Mines ParisTech materials center. Developed formulations have thus been produced in large quantities (> 10 kg) for semi-industrial scale spinning tests.
Still on the formulation side, Arkema and CANOE have closely collaborated to add reactive functionalities to these electrical and piezoelectric polymers, improving the adhesion of materials to each other. The constituent materials of the targeted product – the three-component fiber – should be compatible and exhibit adhesive interfaces to guarantee the mechanical or electrical properties of the final product, the textile fiber. A patent application was filed in 2017 by Arkema in partnership with CANOE on this innovation.


CANOE hosted the last steering committee of the AUTONOTEX project (T0 + 24) on November 15th and 16th 2017, and seize this opportunity to give a tour of its spinning and characterization facilities to the whole consortium.