CANOE PARTNER OF THE EUROPEAN LEVIS PROJECT: project on the lightening of electric vehicle parts
On February 2, 2021 the first phase of the LEVIS project, a three-year EU (Horizon 2020) funded innovation project, started with a kick-off meeting via video conference. The aim of the LEVIS project is to develop lighter parts for electric vehicles, using eco-design and circular economy approaches. The consortium – made up of industrialists and technical centers from seven countries – plans to demonstrate the technical and economic feasibility of producing these components through three full-scale demonstrators.
The project consortium is composed of 13 partners: Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITA) Spain, Marelli Suspension Systems Italy S.p.A (MSS) Italy, Mersen France Angers SAS (MERSEN) France, Privé Srl (PRI) Italy, Yeşilova Holding A.Ş. (YOVA) Turkey, Tofaş Türk Otomobil Fabrikasi A.Ş. (TOFAS) Turkey, Asociación de Investigación Metalúrgica del Noroeste (AIMEN) Spain, CANOE (Centre Technologique Nouvelle-Aquitaine Composites & Matériaux Avancés) France, Leartiker S. Coop (LEAR) Spain, Rise Sicomp AB (RISE) Sweden, Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives (CEA) France, Stichting Cenex Nederland (CENEX NL) Netherlands,Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum der Steinbeis Innovation GmbH (SEZ) Germany.