2.55 M€
Develop a range of adhesives able to conduct heat and electricity for the structural assembly of carbon/epoxy composites and thermoplastic composites, either among themselves or onto lightweight metallic alloys.
The developed adhesives will be based on epoxy resins, because of contractors demand and STRUCTIL experience in this field, as well as acrylic resins, specialty of JACRET company, which are the subject of growing interest in aeronautics, space and embedded systems because of their interesting properties. Conductive adhesives could reduce the weight of pitchers structures, embedded systems for aerospace, UAVs and space applications as well as contribute to the « thermal and electrical management » of aircraft structures, launch vehicles and satellites.
The project falls into the roadmap of « MACS » (Control of Structural Glued joints) which is a project created as part of a joint reflection of AEROSPACE VALLEY, ASTECH and PEGASE innovation centers about robustness and repeatability of bonding operations. MACS is composed of several parts: NDT, Mechanical & Demo, Methodologies and Bonding Materials and Processes. ET-Bond project fully participates in the latter part of MACS process.